Never Worry About Failing Your RES Exams
Pass your Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Exam with access to over 1,500+ challenging MCQ and Case Study practice questions.
Based on the latest CEA syllabus and RES Exam 2025 format.
Understand what went wrong immediately, with feedback & explanations after each question.
Practice on the go with any device.

Always Updated
Reflects latest CEA syllabus & regulatory changes
No Confusion
Immediate feedback & explanations provided
Biggest Question Bank
>1500+ MCQ & Case Studies covering diverse scenarios
The right tool to pass your RES Exams
The most comprehensive, most updated 2025 RES Exam question bank designed by our team of Real Estate Salesperson practitioners who have been through the journey. Get practice questions categorised by topics that facilitate active recall and deep understanding of concepts as you test yourself. Immediate feedback and explanations will be provided to guide you along the way.

Grouped by topics
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We have helped candidates like you get ahead of the bell curve with comprehensive RES Exam practice questions and we are confident it can do the same for you. For a limited time offer, we're doing a 50% discount on our full RES Exam Question Pack. Grab yours and start practicing early today!

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30 free RES exam questions (MCQ only).
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Simple to understand
Immediate feedback and explanations provided after answering each question.
Practice anywhere, anytime
Practice on your mobile device in the train, in your office or even on your bed. Need to pause? We'll save your progress.

RES Exam Pack
$110 $49.90
3 month access
Unlimited practice, grouped by topics
Unlimited access to 1500+ RES exam practice questions (MCQ & Case studies), grouped by topics for Paper 1 & Paper 2.
Simple to understand
Immediate feedback and explanations provided after answering each question.
Practice anywhere, anytime
Practice on your mobile device in the train, in your office or even on your bed. Need to pause? We'll save your progress.
Proven to help you pass
Helped over 70% of RES Exam candidates pass on first attempt. It's the right tool you need to get you ahead of that bell curve.
RES Exam Question Packs
We recommend the combined Paper 1 & 2 for best value and a holistic practice. Based on our own experience and feedback from our learners, it is common for the RES Exam syllabus to have overlaps.
Trusted by candidates like you

Don't fall under the bell curve, grab your RES Exam Pack to start preparing yourself for multiple scenarios the RES Exam might throw at you from CEA's widespread syllabus. Here's what candidates like yourself say about us:

Are the RES Exam questions provided up to date?If you need the most updated question bank for your RES Exam preparation, you have came to the right place! Our question bank format are based on the latest regulations impacting the real estate industry, CEA exam syllabus and question formats. As our team consists of realtors with actual industry knowledge, we are attuned with any regulatory changes that will impact the RES Exam. Never worry about getting confused with outdated question banks as a learner, so you can focus on learning what's important. RES Exam Format: ​The Real Estate Salesperson (RES) Examination consists of two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2. The duration of each paper is 2½ hours. With effect from 2023, CEA has just published on 13 Jan 2023 that the new format of both Paper 1 and Paper 2 is as follows: Section A : 60 MCQs (60 marks) Section B : 20 MCQs with reference to 1 or 2 Case Studies (40 marks) You can expect the same question formats - MCQ and case studies in the RES Exam Pack, grouped by topics to facilitate your learning.
Are questions grouped by topic and paper?Yes, questions are grouped by topics for ease of revision, as well as by Paper 1 or 2 for the paid version. This way, you can easily revisit topics where more practice is needed.
What happens to my RES Exam Pack after it expires?We will not terminate your account or revoke your access. You will be automatically billed for the next subsequent period unless you unsubscribe.
What happens if I decide to cancel my subscription?We are certain we‘ve helped you pass the exam, way to go realtor! Cancellation of your subscription takes effect at the start of your next billing cycle. E.g. If you purchased a 3 month pack on 5 Sep, your access is valid from 5 Sep to 5 Dec. If you submit a request to unsubscribe anytime in between, you account will be terminated from 5 Dec onwards. Up till then, you can continue to enjoy unlimited access to the RES Exam Pack. You can manage subscription under your profile page. Refer to full Terms of Use here.
What type of payment methods are available?You can pay with any debit or credit card of your choice.
Are questions similar to the actual RES Exam?No, it is not. For anyone who has taken the RES Exam, you'll find that the questions are extremely lengthy and unpredictable a.k.a 'anything under the sun' related to property or property laws may appear. Here, we focus on sharpening your foundations. To ensure you are prepared through practice instead of simply reading and preparing notes. Through quick questions that are tricky, you'll be able to actively recall your learnings and be prepared for a wide variety of scenarios from our extensive question bank.